You will see from the pics below that we had a very fun, exciting and busy close to 2010 and beginning to 2011. Scott, Isabel and I traveled to TN to spend Christmas in the Great Smoky Mountains with my brother's family and our parents. We had a really great time! We woke Christmas day to a downpour of snow which continued for 48 + hours. It was beautiful and such a special treat for us! We really did have a white Christmas and the time spent with our family was priceless!!
Two days after returning from the mountains Scott, Isabel and I boarded a plane for Chicago to visit with his mom and brother for the new year. Our flights were nice and smooth and we enjoyed bringing in the new year in the big city! On that visit we ice skated, had lunch with Bitty Baby at the American Girl store on Michigan Avenue (fabulous experience), visited Greek Town, toured the Lincoln Park Zoo to see the Christmas lights and spent some great quality time with Nan and Uncle Bob. It was a total blast!!
And it doesn't stop there!! Two days after returning from Chicago my parents came into town for the weekend of my brother's deacon ordination. Wow! That was incredible. We were able to watch my brother give his testimony in front of the entire congregation before being prayed over by the ordained men of our church. It was soooo special and I am so very proud of the fine man that he has become and the way that he has stepped up to lead his family by example. I love you Lance!!
So as you can see, we've been busy but its been great!! Now we are home for a little while, taking it easy and enjoying "family time". We do leave in 4 weeks for our family vacation at Disney World and we are really, really excited about it! This year, Scott and I will celebrate our 10th anniversary and we always said that we would do it with a big trip to Disney. Yay!! It will be so fun and I can't wait to watch Isabel and Claire experience the magic.
As well as all of the fun stuff that we have been doing and the places that we have been going, we have also started some new things at home. For instance, I have begun teaching Isabel the books of the Bible. Yes, she is only 3 but never under estimate what children can learn at such an early age. So far, after just one week, she can tell you that, "the first book of the Bible is Genesis", "Jesus had friends Luke 2:52" and "God so loved the world John 3:16". Isn't that great??!! We will add a book of the Bible each week along with a new Bible verse and more words to John 3:16. You know, Scott and I have always prayed that Isabel would have a love and a longing to know God and a genuine desire to study His Word and God has been faithful!! She gets so excited when she learns a new Bible verse and we love to see that in her. We pray that what she sees in us will cause her to long to know Christ. We must be the example to her and discipling her must begin now. Parents have no greater job than that of discipling our children. Wow!! Its a big job but what an honor that God has chosen me to parent this precious little girl for the time that I have her on earth. Thank you God!
Enjoy the pics,
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